D.R.U.M.C. (Dawn Rising Urban Medicine Circle) – Saturdays 9 am – 3277 Gladwin Road Abbotsford
If you wish to be notified when and where D.R.U.M.C. will be gathering or have questions or feedback please email fraservalleymetisassociation@gmail.com
In 2019, a small group of Métis and First Nations women met and began a weekly inclusive singing and hand drumming circle. Instructor Wenonah Justin member of Cook’s Ferry of the Nlaka’pamux nation with Cree ancestry is a traditional singer, Knowledge Sharer and Drum Carrier. She shares the traditional Salish teachings she learned from Salish Elders in Tiqilip Community Singers.
Bear Song -Tiqilap Singers
(Heiltsuk, Gitxsan, and Tsilhqot’in and American Sign Language)
In the pursuit of helping themselves and others reclaim a culture that was denied to them, D.R.U.M.C. practices Love, Unity, Inclusivity, Acceptance, Indigenous languages, Stories, and Songs.
Every Saturday
9:00 am – Arrival and check-in
9:15 to 9:30 am – drum circle begins
~10:30 am – closing circle
WHERE * (location subject to change)
Mámele’awt Indigenous Education Centre
3277 Gladwin Road
Abbotsford, BC
*come around the back of the centre to sign in
Google Maps:
** Lend a hand in saving the land by bringing your own refillable drink containers **