REGISTRATION IS CLOSED: FVMA Annual Metis Fiddle Lessons Program – October 12 2024 to June 14 2025
Registrations are CLOSED for FVMA’s ongoing annual fiddle lessons program starting October 12, 2024.
Classes run weekly on Saturdays until June 14, 2025.
The schedule will coincide with the Abbotsford School District calendar.
Fiddle lesson registrations will remain open until after the first two classes and close on October 26, 2024.
Registering beyond this point is not recommended as it becomes challenging for students to stay on track with the curriculum.
Here is the link to register: https://forms.gle/SCxwJjLgzPgt5Lm88
WATCH FVMA Fiddleheads perform at community gatherings:
March 27, 2023
What the Fiddlehead Students are saying…
“We are so lucky to be able to access this!”
“I love fiddle class & Jo!”
“Looking forward to more lessons and seeing everyone ❤️”
~FVMA Fiddle Lessons Program Application feedback
“This has been an amazing journey with other Metis people to regain our culture and teachings.” ~FVMA Fiddlehead Student feedback
“To be honest, at first I didn’t really like the sound of fiddle music, but now I can’t get enough and I’m reading music for the first time in my life! Thank you FVMA and Jo!” ~FVMA Fiddlehead Student feedback
If you have any inquiries or wish to contact someone about FVMA’s ongoing Fiddle Lessons Program please email: fraservalleymetisassociation@gmail.com