Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Week Theme: Advocacy in Action

A lot of advocacy work starts with saying no—no to colonial policies, people, and power. As part of Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Week (SRH Week), we celebrate the solidarity and resistance to colonial practices and the legislation to ban conversion therapy in Canada that took effect on January 7, 2022. This is a small step in the greater vision of liberating Indigenous sexual and gender identities and building a world for all Indigiqueer people to live freely and safely within their communities.

Visit Native Youth Sexual Health Network for more information on their work towards sexual and reproductive justice.

For access to information and resources on sexual health visit Options for Sexual Health and Action Canada.

Thursday, February 17, 2022– Advocacy is Transformation 

Advocacy is critical to systems change. This Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Week (SRH Week), take the time to learn about the National Inquiry’s Final Report on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people. The final report reveals systemic Indigenous rights violations and abuses and offers 231 Calls for Justice. The Calls for Justice serve as a guide for colonial governments, institutions, social services and other industries to work toward system transformation that will protect and uphold Indigenous rights.

Visit the National Inquiry into MMIWG2S+ report and the  231 Calls for Justice for more information.

Saturday, February 19, 2022 – Advocacy in Action: Healthcare Providers are Essential

Throughout history, advocacy has been essential to improving access to sexual and reproductive healthcare and ensuring Indigenous rights are upheld. Indigenous sexual and reproductive justice depends on education about the history and current context of colonialism on Indigenous peoples within the health and wellness sector and training to dismantle systemic racism to improve access to safe, equitable and culturally relevant healthcare for Indigenous peoples. We encourage healthcare and wellness industry workers to familiarize themselves with the In Plain Sight report which addresses discrimination and racism healthcare.

Visit the In Plain Sight report for information and recommendations for change within the healthcare system.

Read and listen to the full article here